SEBASTIAN — Join Nancy Johnson as she explores the theme “Enjoy Life – Choose Laughter” at the North Indian River County Library, 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22. Johnson, a certified Laughter Leader through the World Laughter Tour of Columbus, Ohio, will encourage you to make smiling, laughing, and positive thinking your priorities each day for a healthier and happier life. You will be entertained, yet challenged through an exciting, interactive laughter program.
Johnson was born and raised in Minnesota, but has called Florida her home since 1985. Her background ranges from VISTA volunteer, office manager, teacher, volunteer firefighter and Chamber Membership Director, to entrepreneur.
Her current passion is encouraging others to pursue laughter as an excellent stress reducer and relationship builder. Johnson does programs for board retreats, senior living communities, ladies groups and many more.
Admission to this program is free and open to all.
The Library is located at 1001 Sebastian Boulevard, three miles west of U. S. 1 in Sebastian. Call (772) 589-1355 for more information.