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How to use technology to generate sales

New technologies and the Internet have a way of making things seem like they are more complex than ever. But in many cases, technology has simplified processes that were once time-consuming and labor-intensive. For example, technology has allowed business owners to generate sales leads more efficiently than ever.

While face-to-face interaction and networking are still valuable ways to generate business leads, the Web has made it infinitely easier for business owners to find customers and other businesses interested in their products. If you haven’t tapped into the potential of the Internet to find customers, here are a few places to start:

* E-mail marketing. Send out customized messages to potential customers to make them aware of any deals to be had, or news related to your business. Add a link to your website that allows customers to sign up for your newsletter and keep a sign-up sheet in your store.

* Focused marketing. If you have a specific demographic you are looking to target, consider using a lead-generation service that allows you to reach target audiences. Services like those provided by Database101 offer databases that allow you to focus your efforts on potential customers based on geographic residence, age, gender and income and more. If you’re targeting other businesses, these types of databases can also help you refine your search and focus your efforts.

* Search engine marketing. If you haven’t familiarized yourself with the terms SEM and SEO, now’s the time to do so. Reaching customers through what they are entering into search engines is one of the best ways to raise awareness about your business. Targeting specific keywords on your website is among the many ways you can increase your search rankings.

* Social networking. Establishing pages on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter is a great way to keep your customers updated on what’s going on at your business. Having a presence on these types of sites also makes it easier for customers to find you. Business networking websites like LinkedIn can also help you find potential business associates.

* Stay informed. Read trade publications like Direct Selling News and other media outlets that follow developments in the Web marketing world. Getting involved in trade groups can also help you stay current on marketing methods.

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