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BUZZ: Cockadoodle don’t? Parkay floors and the worst sandwiches

Time to post, glad I don’t have to write this in 140 characters.

I’ve added a new topic to this blog #trendingtopics. Trending topics are subjects that tweeters on twitter use as hash tags that make following a topic easier. For instance, after our tweets we use the hash tags of the community the story/photo/video is related to #VeroBeach #Sebastian #Fellsmere… Under social media news you’ll find some general stories about social media and how companies use this tool. There are more uses for social media than talking about what you had for lunch, but all the uses are yet to be found I’m sure.


Top Crazy post:

I like my Pink station on Pandora. It’s like a party in my ears.


#Whatsthematterwithyou – People are questioning other’s actions and asking what the matter is with them.

Social Media News:

Twitter Confirms That They’re Being Blocked In Egypt:

Facebook may let application developers have your contact info.

The History and Evolution of Social Media for Ad Agency New Business


“How sweet, my cat went for a walk with me this morning!”

“It’s the unexpected that changes our lives…Good morning everyone, have a peaceful day.”

“I never heard a Rooster crow “Cockadoodle Don’t” I will take the cue and Do!”

“I dropped a tub of margarine in the kitchen and ended up with a Parkay floor.”

“I think i’m slowly starting to hate socks…”

From Twitter:

 Worst Sandwiches In America

 Check this out: Interactive panorama of the #Oscars nominations announcement today

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