Simple tips to help keep heartburn off your guest list during the holidays

(ARA) – From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, the holiday season is filled with delight, not to mention potential triggers for the more than 50 million Americans suffering from frequent heartburn (symptoms occurring more than one day per week).

According to a recent national survey of frequent heartburn sufferers, “Zegerid OTC Speaking from the HEART (Heartburn-inducing Activities and Related Triggers),” Christmas and New Year’s were identified as two of the most likely holidays in which they experience heartburn.

“The holidays are hectic and filled with heartburn pitfalls,” explains Dr. Michael Rahmin, a leading gastroenterologist in the New York metropolitan area. “Food is a major element, and there are steps that can be taken to help reduce heartburn episodes during the holidays. In addition to eating slowly and avoiding heartburn-inducing foods and big meals, it’s important to maintain a normal schedule and find some time to relax.”

The following tips can help frequent heartburn sufferers enjoy a jolly holiday season:

* Eat, drink and be merry – Alcohol and food triggers, such as chocolate, peppermint and fried or oily foods are staples of the holiday season so it’s no surprise that more than 80 percent of frequent heartburn sufferers say certain foods trigger their heartburn. Opt for alternatives like apple cider or fruit-flavored candy canes.

* Follow Santa’s lead and plan your route – About two in five frequent heartburn sufferers identified travel-related factors as triggers. Dr. Rahmin says this isn’t surprising. “Travel interrupts our normal routines, which includes what and when we eat.” If you’re a frequent heartburn sufferer traveling this holiday season, pack meals to avoid unnecessary stops (and heartburn heavy-snacks) and map your route to determine rest stops.

* Be thankful … for family help – Nearly 40 percent of frequent heartburn sufferers say stressful situations are common triggers of their heartburn, and the holiday season goes hand-in-hand with stress. Stress has been associated with heartburn, so frequent heartburn sufferers should enlist the rest of the family to help with meals, shopping and errands to alleviate holiday hassles. Also, taking a brisk walk to see the holiday decorations is a good way to relax.

* Stuff your stockings with a “secret weapon” against heartburn – If you are a frequent heartburn sufferer, try an over-the-counter (OTC) medication like Zegerid OTC, which uses a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). PPIs work by deactivating acid-producing pumps in the stomach, offering 24-hour heartburn relief of frequent heartburn with one dose per day as part of a 14-day course of treatment. For more information and tips to avoid heartburn, visit

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