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Technology gadgets make great holiday gifts

(ARA) – Technology gadgets are big holiday gift items this year – as are all the accessories that can accompany them. Three out of four adults say they or someone in their household own a mobile phone or smart phone, 64 percent own a laptop computer and 49 percent own an MP3 player or iPod, according to a recent Ipsos survey – which shows just how popular these items are.

Here are several technology gadgets you can add to your holiday shopping list that will be sure to please your loved ones:

* E-book readers are very popular with commuters. They are lightweight and easy to pack, making them convenient for anyone wanting to catch up on the latest murder mystery or study a “how to” book. If you have loved ones on your list who are always mobile, this gift is a great idea for them.

* Frequent travelers tend to be fans of GPS devices so they don’t get lost in strange cities. But GPS devices are also great for anyone who might be interested in geocaching – or hunting for hidden “treasures” located all across the country in parking lots, parks and playgrounds.

* People who already have several technology gadgets probably have a drawer full of chargers and cords, and outlets that are always occupied. Seventy-four percent of adults agree that they could use a better way to charge all the electronic devices in their home, according to the survey. Consider giving the Duracell myGrid charging pad, which can simultaneously charge up to four devices wirelessly, eliminating excess cords. Your loved ones only need to attach a PowerClip or PowerSleeve to their devices, drop them on the pad, and go.

For those who are always on-the-go, the portable Duracell myGrid USB charger is a perfect gift. It’s a rechargeable power solution that provides extra power for hundreds of popular gadgets like smart phones, e-book readers, MP3 players and gaming devices without needing to be plugged into an outlet.

* Children and adults alike love playing video games. Many of the people on your holiday list might already have the gaming systems, so you can always add games or the accessories to your gift list. Teens also enjoy handheld video games, so those gifts could be a big hit with the younger audience on your list.

* Make sure you include extra batteries with all the electronic gifts you give this year. Specially marked Duracell Coppertop AA or AAA battery packs include either a free mini screwdriver for small toys and gadgets or a free gift opener to help you easily open that tough clamshell packaging protecting many technology gifts.

Technology gadgets and portable power accessories make great gifts and will keep your loved ones entertained this holiday season and beyond.

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