Stretch your budget with a last-minute holiday game plan

Saving money is an excellent game plan to have this holiday season. And there’s still plenty of time to take advantage of holiday specials to stretch your budget.

Still don’t have a holiday savings game plan? Make a list of all the holiday-related expenditures you are expecting this year – this might be one time when procrastinating worked in your favor. Factor in funds for gifts, entertainment, decorations, activities, etc. and create a budget based on those expectations. Remember to add in some cash for unexpected expenses, like that last-minute gift for the co-worker who never gave you anything before but decided to bestow a holiday gift on you this year. Once your budget is complete, plan your attack.

Make a list and check it twice

Create a list of every person you will need to buy a gift for this year, from parents and grandparents to your child’s daycare provider. Set a limit for what you are willing and able to spend on each gift. It’s perfectly OK to plan to spend more on close loved ones, like your spouse and children, and less on more casual gifted such as your hairdresser. Stick to your spending plan and don’t allow impulse purchases to distract you from your focus.

You better shop around

As the big day approaches, it’s easy to begin feeling frantic about all the shopping you need to do. Don’t give in to desperation, however, and start overspending just to get the job done. Continue to comparison shop to find the best possible prices on the items on your list. Having the list will help in this regard; it’s much easier to do online price comparisons when you know exactly what you’re looking for. Likewise, don’t abandon online shopping because you think packages won’t arrive in time. Many online sellers offer expedited shipping as the holidays approach, and virtually all will tell you their “order by” deadline in order to receive items in time for the holidays. Online shopping is still one of the best, most cost-effective ways to holiday shop, and especially to comparison shop.

Stretch that budget

If you didn’t have the foresight to start a holiday savings account back in June (and few among us did), you can still find some extra cash laying around to help fund your holidays. American households have about $10 billion total in loose change hiding in their homes – roughly $90 per household – according to Coinstar.

Dust off your coin jar (most of us have one), empty your wallets, dump the coins out of the bottom of your purse, look under the sofa cushions and car floor mats, and cash that spare change at a Coinstar location. Coinstar will count your coins for free if you turn them into a gift card or eCertificate from top retailers like, Lowe’s, Starbucks, Gap brands, iTunes and more. Just take your coins to one of the iconic green kiosks and start adding some extra heft to your holiday budget. For more information, or to find a location near you visit

And remember, the holidays are about enjoying time with loved ones and sharing the spirit of the season. You still have time to deck the halls and spread goodwill if you follow a few simple steps toward getting organized – better late, than never.

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