Central Europe: Vacations to the heart of the old world

While some of the most popular destinations in Europe are on the continent’s periphery, the cities, towns and villages further inland have just as much to offer, and with a slightly different flavor. Not only will you find exquisitely beautiful capitals, but you’ll also have easy access to small-town Europe, where you can experience a slightly more relaxed pace of life.

You can choose to concentrate on just one country – or in some cases, just one city – but Europe vacations are unique in that it’s quite easy (and fast) to move between nations. Train systems are remarkably thorough and efficient, but you can also rent a car (though some rental agencies will require that you only travel within European Union member states). If you’re looking for a slightly more relaxed trip, Europe cruises might be perfect for you. A gentle glide down the Rhine or the Danube allows you to take in the natural beauty of the land and disembark at fascinating towns and villages for some exploration.

Here are some destinations to consider when planning your Central Europe travel itinerary.

* Germany. There are plenty of cities to choose from in Germany, and each has its own unique style. In the southeastern state of Bavaria (Bayern) is rich with the dramatic scenery of Alpine foothills, quaint villages and the historic city of Munich. The city is a blend of modern and historic, with a lively avant-garde arts scene coexisting alongside atmospheric beer halls and traditional Munich hotels. Dresden is another great option in Germany; its regal beauty is remarkable, given the extensive bombing it withstood during World War II.

* Austria. Vienna is one of the most enchanting cities in Europe. Its beautiful museums and architecture, cozy cafe culture and musical offerings make it a must-visit. For a unique experience, spend an evening in the Heurigen (wine making villages) on the city’s outskirts, which are popular with locals but are still a secret well-kept from most tourists. The graceful city of Salzburg is another top destination in Austria. Try visiting in the off-season to avoid tour bus crowds, and you’ll be richly rewarded. If you want to get out into the country, head for the small towns of the Salzkammergut lake district, nestled into dramatic mountain scenery.

* Czech Republic. Prague is ascendant among tourism destinations in Europe, and it’s little surprise. The city is overflowing with beautiful architecture that spans centuries, from spiky Gothic churches to the flowing lines of Art Nouveau residences. It’s still relatively low-cost, which is an added amenity. Further afield, the town of Karlovy Vary has long been an elegant spa destination and the old town center of the Baroque city of Cesky Krumlov is a UNESCO World Heritage site because it is so beautifully preserved.

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