Do-it-yourself ideas for a fun and fabulous holiday

With the holiday season just around the corner, there’s much to look forward to. From visiting with out-of-town guest to baking cookies for friends, family and coworkers, it’s the perfect time to celebrate. While there are extra expenses that come along with making all this happen, there are several ways to tighten the holiday budget that are not only money-saving, but fun to do.

Make your own greeting cards

If you’re one of the estimated 1.9 billion Americans who sends holiday cards every year, you’ve probably grown weary of rooting through a store’s overwhelming selection of cards just to find the one that best fits you and your family’s personality. Rather than wading through it again this year, grab some paper supplies and make your own holiday greeting cards. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be able to let out your inner artist and give your cards a personal touch.

Photo cards

The holidays are the perfect time to catch up with loved ones and share your family’s latest snapshots. What better way to do so then with a photo holiday card? If you have a home computer and a capable printer, simply choose your favorite photos and print them on high-quality photo paper. High-gloss paper from OfficeMax gives you quality photo cards at a fraction of the cost.

Print your own cards

Whether you want show off your artistic talents or use design templates, printing your own cards is a fantastic way to share your sentiments. Tap into your creative side and combine different paper supplies to design the ultimate custom card for your family. For example, print out small pictures of your kids, family or pets on photo paper, and then glue them in a collage format onto decorative paper. Not only will you create a unique card, you’ll also capture your family’s spirit.

Handmade cards

Remember when you were a kid and constructed handmade cards for every occasion? Why not do it again? All you need is decorative paper in colorful shades to create your own custom designs. For inspiration, print out stencils and patterns from a craft website, and then incorporate them into your designs to create more intricate shapes and folds.

Create your own decorations

Nothing gets you in the holiday spirit like festive decorations. In fact, Americans spend an estimated $8 billion a year on holiday decorations alone. Whether for home, office or school, overspending on decorations isn’t very practical, especially when a budget’s in place. Instead, try creating your own decorations with everyday paper supplies.

Tree ornaments and household decorations

Give everyone in the family a chance to decorate the tree by having kids and adults alike create their own handiwork. Decorative paper is simple to cut, tape and glue. Plus, it’s the perfect material for crafting colorful, customized ornaments with character and charm.

To add even more personality to your tree and household decorations, create custom photo ornaments and decorations. Much like photo cards, all these require is your home computer, printer and some premium photo paper for crisp, unique creations.

With some simple-to-find paper supplies and an eye for creativity, sticking to a holiday budget is a cinch. You’ll have fun with the family or a great excuse to get your friends together.

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