Video chat appeals to growing numbers who can’t be home for the holidays

High travel costs and busy work schedules will make it increasingly difficult for people to make it home to see their families this year, but a growing number are open to using video chat to bridge those distances, according to a recent survey from ooVoo.

Seven out of 10 survey respondents say something is likely to prevent them from seeing their loved ones this holiday season. More than 60 percent of them say high travel costs would impede their holiday-travel plans, while 41 percent cite work schedules.

However, all is not lost. Seventy-one percent of these respondents indicate that they’d be willing to use video chat to lessen the sting of being apart from loved ones during the holidays. To help families stay connected during this time of year, ooVoo is making its multi-person chat available for free this holiday season. Visit Nov. 19 to 29, 2010, and Dec. 17, 2010, to Jan. 2, 2011, to download this feature that allows for up to six people to participate on the same video call for as long as they want, at no cost. Current ooVoo users will get the free upgrade to six-way chat during the holiday promotion.

“I remember the first time I couldn’t make it home for Christmas and my parents were really upset,” said Katie Seager, from East Lansing, Mich. “So I had my younger sister download ooVoo and was able to open gifts with them that morning. It was cool being there – if virtually – to see their reactions on Christmas morning.”

Video chat is a fun and convenient way to see your family this holiday season but in what ways? Respondents listed top activities they’d participate in while using services like ooVoo:

* Swap stories (70 percent)

* Open presents together (59 percent)

* Count down to the New Year together (48 percent)

* Sing holiday songs (23 percent)

* Read a holiday story (21 percent)

* Prepare a meal together (20 percent)

* Decorate the house or tree (18 percent)

Other reasons to use video chat this holiday season include:

* Showing off a new engagement ring to family and friends

* Introducing a new kitten or puppy

* Showing off one’s newborn baby to parents and grandparents

In addition to live video conversations, ooVoo allows users to record and send holiday greetings to anyone with an e-mail account.

And finally, don’t forget your manners while using video chat, and consider these etiquette tips:

* Check your audio and video settings before you start the call.

* Have everything you need close by so the person on the other end is not left with a blank screen.

* Ask permission if you want to record the video chat. Privacy is expected until consent is given otherwise.

* Have fun and be yourself. Enjoy the experience of connecting face-to-face with friends and family.

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