Stay centered and stress-free this holiday season

(ARA) – One of the best parts of the holiday season is spending time with loved ones, relaxing and catching up over dinners and celebrations. Finding gifts for everyone on your list, wrapping presents and sending out holiday cards may not seem stressful on the surface, but according to a recent survey by Lindt Chocolate, more than half of women say these are the most stressful parts of the holiday season. While these are often necessary holiday tasks, they can be draining and take the focus off of unwinding and truly enjoying the season.

It’s important to remember to re-center and de-stress during the holiday season – after all, it is the most wonderful time of the year. While techniques for doing so may differ, one in three women say they would indulge in premium chocolate to de-stress during the holiday season. While tackling the most daunting tasks of the season, following these tips can help you feel more centered:

* Save time and paper by sending holiday e-cards with a favorite family photo, instead of mailing cards. Friends and family will surely appreciate the personal, eco-friendly gesture, and it will also help save money. With 55 percent of women saying financial stress keeps them from having a stress-free holiday season, saving a few dollars can make a huge difference.

* Forget about dealing with the finicky tape dispenser and wrapping paper and channel the stressful holiday “chore” of wrapping to a good cause. Spend a small fee and have presents wrapped by a local store or mall. The fee is often donated to a local charity, and it will be a feel-good, justifiable expense. You can also purchase elegant, ready-to-gift options which save you even more time and look beautiful.

* Since 31 percent of women say lack of ideas for holiday gifts has gotten in the way of having a stress-free holiday season, opt for simple gift cards. Add a personal touch by adding the recipient’s favorite chocolate, like a smooth-melting Lindor Truffle to replace a traditional bow.

* While purchasing gifts for everyone this year, enter friends for a chance to win $5,000 from Lindt by buying them a bag of Lindor Truffles. This simple gesture could make a loved one’s dreams come true this holiday season, with the help of a cash prize.

For more information about Lindt and the “What’s at the Center of Your Dreams?” giveaway, visit

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