What you need to know to rest easy with sleep apnea

Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea, a disorder that is characterized by pauses and interruptions in breathing while sleeping. While the numbers are high, unfortunately, many people ignore the problem, thinking it’s just harmless, normal snoring. Or they don’t treat it properly, even when they have a diagnosis from a doctor. But in either case, not taking care of the problem can be seriously detrimental to your health.

The word “apnea” comes from Greek, meaning “without breath,” and it doesn’t take much to imagine why it would be problematic. If your spouse says that your snoring is keeping him or her up at night, it might be the first indication that you should see your doctor.

It’s important to note that while sleep apnea largely affects men, people older than 40 and the obese, it can affect anyone – even children. In addition to snoring, symptoms you should watch for include headaches, feeling poorly rested after waking and excessively tired throughout the day, waking up with dry mouth, difficulty staying asleep and more.

If your doctor does diagnose you with sleep apnea, you’re on the right track to avoid the complications of the disorder, which can range from depression to high blood pressure to heart attack. One of the most common and effective treatments for sleep apnea is a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine, which has to be prescribed by a doctor. Patients wear a mask connected to the machine by tubes, and it enables them to breathe uninterrupted throughout the night.

However, one of the most common pitfalls for patients using this as a treatment for sleep apnea is not maintaining their CPAP supplies. Without a properly fitted mask and tubes, filters and pillows in good condition, the treatment isn’t as effective, leading to poorer sleep, not to mention the risk of complications arises again.

Another concern, cited in a recent study, was that bacteria growth on CPAP masks dramatically increases as the mask ages. The amount of bacteria found in year-old masks was four times more than in masks that were one to three months old. The study also showed that the amount of bacteria on older masks didn’t decrease, even with extensive cleaning. That’s just another reason why it’s important to replace masks and other supplies often.

Fortunately, replacing supplies doesn’t mean you have to keep a bunch on hand. With the help of CPAP providers such as American HomePatient, you can get supplies sent directly to you, right when you need them – and shipping is free. You can order supplies at the site, www.nowsleepeasier.com, or call the toll-free phone number, (877) 290-2208. After your first order, you’ll receive reminders when it’s time to replace your supplies.

While CPAP machines and supplies are typically covered by insurance plans, anyone who has insurance knows that filing claims can be a complicated and long endeavor. To make the process easier, American HomePatient has experts on staff who will take care of the process, even for patients on Medicare.

Getting sleep apnea diagnosed is the first step in fighting a potentially dangerous condition. Once you know that you’re dealing with sleep apnea, it’s essential to make sure that you’re treating your condition correctly. With a little help from your doctor and CPAP supply providers, you can rest easy knowing that you’re taking the right steps to improve your health.

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