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Enhance your career with an online degree

For many people, the recent economic downturn has been a wake-up call. The recession has led to high levels of unemployment, making job security a concern for many employees. Most industries have not fully recovered yet, and the national unemployment rate is still at a record high of 9.6 percent ( Because of this, many people are looking for ways to solidify their employment through higher education with an online degree.

Online degrees are earned through college-level programs that are offered entirely online. While online degrees have been available for a number of years, they have become even more popular during these difficult economic times, especially since the Department of Education released a meta analysis that says “students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.” (

The most compelling reason for individuals to choose online education is the flexibility offered by such degree programs. Interested students can pursue an online degree without leaving their job. In fact, approximately 60 percent of all online degree program students work full-time while earning their degree ( Most online assignments can be completed in a student’s free time, making it easy for anyone to fit in coursework when it is convenient, especially those with variable work hours. Walden University Ph.D. in public health student Alminda D’Agostino chose to go to college online because it gave her the flexibility to attend class any time she wanted from any location. “I don’t have a regular, 8-hour, 8 a.m.-to-5 p.m. job. My working hours are always different,” she says.

In addition to being flexible, online degrees can also be more affordable. At some universities, a student can save as much as 50 percent when taking online courses compared to on-campus classes ( These schools do not need to invest as much money into campus space and other tangible overhead costs, making it possible to offer quality programs at lesser prices. Students will also save through online education because they do not need to waste money on campus housing or transportation costs.

An online degree is especially attractive for those with families. A family cannot afford to lose the income from a breadwinner’s job as well as the family time that a traditional college requires them to sacrifice. “I liked the ease of doing the whole program online. I could come home from work, and I could be at home and my family [life] could continue – I was still part of the family,” says Kathy Adams, a master’s in education graduate from Walden University.

Many individuals also find that receiving an online degree may lead to a pay raise. Many industries base payment on the level of completed education, and individuals who obtain additional degrees and certifications are often eligible for increased rates of pay. Of course, such policies will vary from company to company, so it is important for individuals to check with their company’s policy before counting on such a raise. At the very least, earning an online degree can improve one’s chances at a raise, which is especially important in a recession when many companies limit pay raises to only well-deserving employees.

While getting a pay raise is definitely appealing, others have pursued online education for simple job security. After all, with layoffs in almost all sectors, many employees fear being next on the chopping block. When companies have to downsize, it is a careful decision-making process. To help avoid being laid off, it is important to not be expendable. One way to help prove one’s worth is with additional education. Online degrees can provide new knowledge and skills, proving not only one’s competency but also one’s value to the company.

An online degree is also helpful for planning for the worst-case scenario. For individuals who are laid off, an online degree can provide additional skills and expertise that will make them that much more marketable. When trying to find a job, it is helpful to have as many options as possible. By having a degree, many find there are more doors open. This can make job hunting easier and improve one’s chances of getting hired for a better job sooner.

In all, many ambitious individuals have discovered that an online degree is a versatile way to solidify one’s position in the current economic climate. These degrees are both flexible and affordable, making them appealing to a wide range of individuals who are looking both to bolster their current career and safeguard themselves for future success.

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