‘Scare’ away heartburn this Halloween

(ARA) – Halloween, one of the fastest growing holidays in the U.S., is a time when people tend to indulge in chocolate and alcohol – both common triggers of heartburn. For the more than 50 million Americans suffering from frequent heartburn (symptoms occurring more than one day per week), the thought of Halloween celebrations can truly be scary.

“Halloween doesn’t have to mean heartburn and you don’t have to give up the festivities,” explains Dr. Michael Rahmin, a leading gastroenterologist based in the New York Metropolitan area. “Just remember to protect yourself before, during and after celebrating.”

Keep the following tips in mind for a fun-filled Halloween even if you are a frequent heartburn sufferer:

Treats can be tricky – choose carefully. Candy is a main staple of Halloween. In fact, it is the biggest season for chocolates with nearly 90 million pounds of it sold during Halloween week in the U.S. last year. Since chocolate and other candies such as peppermint are common heartburn triggers, choose fruity treats instead, such as licorice or fruit chews. Also remember, moderation is key in managing your heartburn.

Think about what you consume, not just your costume. While most put careful thought into their costume selection, few think twice when eating at Halloween parties. Whether it’s in the office or after work, be cautious at these ghoulish gatherings. Chocolates aren’t the only popular Halloween heartburn no-nos. Avoid other known triggers including fried or oily foods, alcohol and acidic fruits.

Leave the broomsticks to the witches. Stretch your legs by taking the kids trick-or-treating (as long as you can resist the urge to dip into the heartburn-heavy candy) or take a spooky stroll in your neighborhood checking out the holiday decorations as you go. Walking is a natural aid in the digestive process. The natural force of gravity from staying in an upright position while walking can help keep heartburn at bay.

Don’t just stock up on treats, prep your medicine cabinet. Even those with the best intentions can overdo it on Halloween. If you are a frequent heartburn sufferer, try an over-the-counter (OTC) medication like Zegerid OTC, a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). PPIs work by deactivating acid-producing pumps in the stomach, offering 24-hour relief of frequent heartburn with one dose per day as part of a 14-day course of treatment. For more information and tips to avoid heartburn, visit www.ZegeridOTC.com.

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