Consolidate the gear you need for your baby

(ARA) – Wonderful things come in small packages, as every new parent can attest, but how do you organize all of the baby gear products that welcome your little bundle of joy home?

From cribs to high chairs to car seats, and everything in between, your essentials list seems to grow faster than your baby. Even important non-essentials like swings, bouncers and toys that help soothe and entertain your baby can also take up valuable space.

If space is at a premium in your home – or you want to save money – look for baby products that are transitional, multifunctional or interchangeable. Here are a few solutions that may work for you and your baby.

* Convertible cribs – There are several options for cribs that convert to toddler beds as your child grows – simply remove the sides and lower the frame to convert the crib into a bed. Some even convert into full-sized beds as your child continues to grow.

* Multifunctional products – Wouldn’t it be great if there were a product that could convert from a swing, to a high chair? Now there is. The Fisher-Price Swing to High Chair gives you both essentials in one product. It’s easy to convert between the swing and high chair whenever you need the other option. Visit to view a demo that shows just how easy it is to switch the seat between the two products.

* Strollers to car seats – When you travel to show off your beautiful, new baby, you’re going to need a car seat and a stroller for, well . . . strolling. All-in-one travel systems are a great solution for simplifying travel gear since the stroller and car seat work seamlessly together. It’s easy to securely fit the car seat into the stroller, which is convenient when your baby is sleeping while you’re on the go.

Finding transitional or multifunctional products that you can use for your child from infancy to the time she begins walking and gaining newfound independence enables you to save space in your home. Plus, since you don’t have to purchase multiple items, it’s a great way to start saving for her college fund.

Enjoy every minute you share with your little one, from the day he first comes home to the day you send him off to kindergarten.

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