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Fun and frugal or priceless gift ideas that bring holiday joy

(ARA) – It’s the thought that counts. We hear that phrase all the time, but it especially rings true during the holidays. If you have felt the pressure to spend a lot on holiday gifts for loved ones, you are not alone. But these days, Americans are looking to show they care for less.

According to a 2009 holiday survey of retail spending and trends conducted by Deloitte, a business consulting firm, holiday spending on gifts declined 29 percent from 2004 to 2008. The survey indicates that people are spending less on gifts and more on functional items like clothing, or cutting back by entertaining at home. Gift-givers are beginning to realize that you don’t have to spend a fortune to give someone something meaningful.

Believe it or not, value retailers are ahead of the trend in helping families create and enjoy a special, yet affordable holiday season. Pop into Family Dollar and check out the store’s variety of $5 toys, gifts and other value-priced items that make any seasonal gathering fun and frugal. The national retailer offers something for everyone, from value clothing and brand-name toys like Disney, Hot Wheels and Bakugan to electronics and home decor accents; it’s a great destination for all needs this season.

If you are worried about overspending or simply looking for a gift that shows how much you care instead of how much you spent, here are a few suggestions:

Give back to the family entertainer

We all have a member of the family who loves to throw parties. This year, lend a hand with the preparation. Stop by your local Family Dollar store and pick up a few entertaining necessities or holiday trimmings: plasticware, paper products, gift wrap, maybe even an apron or oven mitts. These are hostess gifts that will truly keep on giving.

Share your knowledge

Think about skills you possess and offer your personal services as a gift. Maybe you are an all-star in the kitchen and the recipient would be delighted if you shared a few tips, tricks or recipes. If you play guitar and a family member would love to learn, volunteer as an instructor. Formal lessons in either of these activities would cost a pretty penny.

Don’t forget to accessorize

Let’s face it, one can never have enough accessories. Whether it’s a scarf and gloves to match a new coat or a clutch to go with your holiday outfit, great selections can be found at value retailers for less.

With a little thought, you won’t have to sacrifice your wallet to achieve holiday cheer with your gifts this season.

For more value-priced gifting options and entertaining ideas, visit or check out Family Dollar on Facebook at

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