(ARA) – Winter certainly puts up barriers to getting outside – cold temperatures, icy streets and deep snow. But since hibernation isn’t an option for most of us, getting outside is necessary. And if you do things right, getting outside for winter recreation, or even just to run errands, can be a pleasant experience.
The physiological and psychological benefits of getting ample time outside are well-documented, from breathing fresh air to getting enough sunlight to improve your mood. By making sure you stay warm enough, protecting yourself against falls and trying out some new activities, you can make your winter safer, more active and more enjoyable.
Staying warm
This may seem like common sense, but think back on the times you’ve complained about the cold and ask yourself if you’ve dressed warmly enough. Chances are you can think of some attire choices that could have been helpful in heating yourself up.
Maybe this means strapping on some boots and changing into your dress shoes once you arrive at work. Or perhaps it’s as simple as investing in some really warm socks. If you live in a snowy area, leg gaiters will keep snow out of your shoes or boots. A warm scarf or neck gaiter will prevent cold air from entering your jacket and keep your neck toasty at the same time. Last, but not least, never underestimate the importance of a good pair of gloves, as body heat can easily be lost through your hands and feet.
Staying upright
Keeping your car on the road can be difficult in the winter, as can keeping your feet under you. Avoiding a fall on icy sidewalks can seem impossible, but traction gear and ice cleats can help you negotiate slick terrain. Types of cleats vary and you can make your decision on what type to buy based on how you plan to use them. For example, 32north’s line of STABILicer ice traction footwear offers Sport cleats that can be attached to running shoes or hiking boots, as well as a Lite model that you can wear on your work shoes, then roll up and stick in your coat pocket once you get to the office. Traction gear can cost as little as $20, so it can make for an easy safety investment for yourself, or a sensible stocking stuffer.
Staying active
It might seem like winter makes it difficult for you to stay active, but it also presents opportunities that aren’t available during the rest of the year. Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are good activities for people of all ages and abilities. Snowshoes in particular have come a long way in recent years, offering many affordable models that fit all types of users. If you haven’t strapped on the ice skates in a while, why not give it a try this year as a way of getting back to some of the fun things you did as a child? Walking in the woods during the winter can also give you a beautiful new perspective on some of your favorite natural areas.
When you’re equipped with gear like Stabilicers and the right attitude, you can learn to enjoy the outdoors in winter instead of dreading the moment you leave the house.