Save money on your business expenses

(ARA) – Saving money is a common goal for many small business owners and home-based businesses. Maximizing profits and lowering costs are frequent discussion topics in Chamber of Commerce meetings, at business gatherings and around the boardroom table.

Below are a few suggestions on ways to cut back and save:

* Make those rewards programs work for you. Credit card companies and retailers offer businesses many special rewards, from cash back on purchases to airline miles. Find a company that offers you rewards your company can use, and take advantage of it.

One program to look into is the Staples Rewards program. This program doesn’t have any strings, and awards participants with 10 percent back on qualifying purchases, including key business products like ink and toner, copy and print services, or case and ream paper.

* Search the circulars. Circulars are a great way for businesses to take advantage of specials being offered by other businesses. And many retailers will direct you to their websites, where they offer special deals on supplies and equipment you may need for your business.

* Review all the services your company contracts for, like phone, Internet, mail, cleaning, electricity, water, etc. Look for ways you can combine services, potentially paying less money to fewer contractors. You might also be able to trade your company’s services, or share services with a neighboring business.

* Buy quality so you don’t have to replace. When you shop for office supplies it may be tempting to choose the least expensive items. But spending more money up front for quality furniture and equipment may save you in the long run. Plus, if you have customers visiting your office, you will want them to see that your equipment is in great shape, not run down and needing replacing.

Looking for deals and savings opportunities are great ways to help your small business or home-based company succeed. Another great deal can be found at Staples, where between Oct. 3 and Nov. 13, Staples Rewards customers will get 50 percent back on all of their business printing needs when they spend $25 or more on copy and print services.

Always keep an eye out for savings opportunities like these, and you’ll be able to lower your costs, which will help you to maximize your savings.

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