(ARA) – Becoming a new parent is an exciting and challenging time, and sleep-deprived moms and dads often look for advice from their own parents.
But when it comes to ensuring that their babies sleep safely, new parents have to teach grandparents about current safe-sleep practices. According to a new study conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of HALO Innovations, grandparents are more likely than parents to place babies on their sides or stomachs to sleep, and more likely to place potentially dangerous objects in babies’ cribs, increasing their risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and accidental suffocation.
Decades after being instructed to place their own babies on their stomachs to sleep, today’s grandparents may not be up to date on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendations on creating a safe sleep environment for infants. SIDS and accidental suffocation are the leading causes of death for babies younger than 1 year old, claiming the lives of nearly 5,000 babies every year. Since the majority of parents and grandparents surveyed agreed that SIDS is their top concern in raising children, it’s essential that all caregivers follow current guidelines, which include:
* Always place babies on their backs to sleep
* Replace loose blankets with a wearable blanket like the HALO SleepSack
* Remove pillows, stuffed animals, bumper pads and sleep positioners from cribs
* Refrain from bed-sharing and smoking around babies
* Breastfeed, if possible, and offer a pacifier to babies for sleep (once breastfeeding has been well established)
“Forty percent of the parents we surveyed expressed concern that their parents or in-laws may not always follow their instructions about how to safely put their baby down to sleep – and a quarter have had a disagreement with their parents or in-laws about safe-sleep practices,” says HALO Innovations founder Bill Schmid. “It’s critical that parents educate grandparents on the best ways to prepare babies for sleep without increasing their risk for SIDS or accidental suffocation. And it’s equally important that grandparents listen and be open to doing things differently from when they were new parents.”
“A lot of people use the survivor bias – I’m OK, so it’s OK for my kids. But why would you ignore modern research?” asks Sarah Mittendorf, a Minnesota mom of two young boys.
“I put all three of my kids on their tummies,” recalls Caroline Ognenoff, Sarah’s mother. “I wasn’t aware that this was an unsafe thing to do. Putting them in sleeper pajamas and putting a loose blanket over them was how I did it. That was our practice, and probably the practice of our own mothers.”
Luckily, since Ognenoff works as a nurse and childbirth instructor, she was well aware of current safe-sleep practices by the time her first grandson arrived three years ago. In her job she strives to educate new parents, as well as her fellow grandparents, on some of the simple things they can do to help protect children in their care, such as having wearable blankets washed and ready to use. Mittendorf and Ognenoff use HALO SleepSack wearable blankets, the best-selling brand of wearable blankets for babies, sold at Target, Babies ‘R’ Us and other retailers.
The survey of more than 1,000 parents and grandparents also revealed the following:
* Fifty-eight percent of grandparents agreed that “babies are babies; what worked years ago when my children were babies is still fine today.” Conversely, 60 percent of parents disagreed with the sentiment that what worked years ago when they were babies is still fine today.
* Parents are more likely than grandparents to say that it’s best to place a baby on his or her back to sleep (77 percent vs. 59 percent). Grandparents are more likely than parents to think a baby is safest sleeping on his or her side (21 percent vs. 12 percent) or stomach (16 percent vs. 8 percent).
* Both parents and grandparents say that pacifiers are safe to leave in a baby’s crib.
* Both generations also agree that bumper pads, which medical experts deem to be a hazard, are safe.
* Grandparents are more likely to believe it is safe to have loose blankets (49 percent vs. 31 percent of parents) and a baby monitor (23 percent vs. 12 percent) in the crib with the baby.
For tips on how to prepare your child or grandchild for a safer sleep and reduce the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocation, visit www.halosleepsafe.com.