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Strapped after-school programs in need of a boost

(ARA) – Not every former orchestra member remembers how to play their favorite song and not every science club participant can still identify insects. However, school programs featuring these skills and others likely had a lasting impact on everybody who took part in them.

Quality after-school programs lead to improved test scores, lower drop-out rates, decreased disciplinary action and improved work habits, according to a 2008 study conducted by researchers at the Harvard Family Research Project. These researchers attributed these improvements to the fact that after-school programs “provide young people with appropriate supervision and structure, well-prepared staff, (and) intentional programming with opportunities for autonomy and choice.”

The economic downturn continues to impact funding for crucial programs, meaning fewer options for parents and less activities for kids. Three in five respondents to a 2009 survey conducted by the Afterschool Alliance, reported funding for their after-school programs is down compared to two years ago, and more than one-third said it is down a lot. As budget cuts continue, parents and other supporters can do several things to help keep school programs alive.

Ways to help

Volunteer: Money may be in short supply, but very often, time can be an equally precious asset to school clubs and organizations. Potential volunteers should think to themselves: “What skill do I have that I can impart to students?” Remember – passion is a critical characteristic of a good teacher.

Donate: Supplies like markers, glue, craft paper – and even disinfecting wipes – can be very inexpensive and helpful to the teachers and faculty who organize school programs. Additionally, take a look through your own child’s old toys and sports equipment for items that could be passed along. Games and lightly-used art supplies will be greatly appreciated.

Research: Many school programs qualify for federal aid or grants from private companies. However, time-strapped teachers and administrators may not have the resources to research opportunities and submit entries. Take some time to identify grants that could be a fit for your favorite school program and then volunteer to submit a request for funding on its behalf.

One notable example that directly benefits school programs is the Power A Bright Future grant program from the Clorox Company, which aims to support school programs that provide opportunities for students to learn, play and create. This year, Clorox will be giving away three $20,000-grants and one $50,000-grant to deserving and underfunded school programs. To nominate a program, visit before Sept. 27 and upload a photo and a short summary of how the grant would be used. Then, encourage everyone you know to vote for your favorite beginning Oct. 5.

A child’s potential for learning is limitless — so help make sure their learning doesn’t stop when the school day ends. Giving whatever you can will ensure that the next generation’s futures remain bright.

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