Retirement doesn’t have to be a time for rest. It’s also a time to try out some fantastic activities you were afraid to venture into because of work. Take advantage of newly found free time and get more socially involved with some of these fun activities.
Ski/hiking club: Make up for lost vacations by joining a club that specializes in going on skiing, hiking or other outdoor activities. Organizations are most often organized by region and many offer paid membership for singles, couples and whole families. However, appropriately estimate your physical abilities on outings and get the most out of interactions by taking a free hearing test and having your vision checked by a professional before you leave on club-affiliated trips.
Volunteer work: Benefit others in need and use a skill from your career like tax preparation or teaching by helping people learn how to do their own taxes or tutoring children after school. Or, branch out and find a non-profit that serves a totally unfamiliar purpose. You may just make new friends and discover a hidden philanthropic passion.
Community theater: Pursue those acting (or behind-the-scenes) dreams on the small stage by participating in a local theater production. Many theater companies encourage inexperienced individuals to take small roles in productions and even audition for larger ones. Find opportunities to get involved through the American Association of Community Theatre or by contacting a local playhouse near you.
Book club: Reading a good book can be stimulating and exciting, but it’s even better when you can share and discuss it with others. Join or start your own local book club with friends. Make sure that you get and give the most during discussions by jotting down page numbers and topics for discussion. Some publishers offer official reading and book discussion guides for titles on their websites. If you find yourself having difficulty participating fully, have your hearing checked and look into digital hearing aids.
Photography: Venture out and capture what you see to share with friends and family via e-mail, photo albums and scrapbooks. Landscapes make for beautiful photos, but a lot of times it’s the stories that people have to tell that make for the most compelling pictures. Playing photographer at the family reunion or setting out to compile a photo essay can help preserve memories and create new friendships.
Get an animal: For many seniors, having a pet can decrease stress and lead to a longer, fuller life. Some people find comfort in being able to care for something, so consider getting a dog or cat to help you enjoy your golden years. The benefits that come from pet ownership are not just limited to extra physical activity and companionship.