Given the popularity of web design conferences, expensive instructional events, many in the industry have begun to consider three important questions:
1. Why attend Web design conferences?
2. Are they really worth the price and the time commitment?
3. Or, are they merely a dressed-up version of the top industry blogs and breaking news that can be accessed by firing up any major search engine?
Whether you’re a newcomer to the industry or have been working in a Web design career for several years, you probably know about the many conferences designed to keep you on the cutting edge of developments in the field. These Web design conferences usually feature presentations from prominent industry professionals and are designed to offer insights and knowledge to enhance your work. Generally, admission to these events runs on a sliding scale – the bigger the speaker’s name, the more expensive the conference.
Despite the obvious star-value benefit of being able to say that you were in the same room as some of the most brilliant minds in your industry, what advantage is there to dropping several hundred – or several thousand – dollars and missing valuable work days? And that’s not even counting the transportation and overnight accommodation that might be necessary for some of these events.
Some would say there is little value in attending and that participants would be better off reading industry blogs and news, and staying in the office. However, proponents of Web design conferences have a much different perspective. They believe these conferences are beneficial – especially to new Web designers – because participants can:
* Learn how to use new industry tools through interactive workshops taught by some of the industry’s brightest minds
* Interact with other industry professionals, make new connections and grow their Web design network
* Discover how to apply new trends to their business model and enhance the work being done for clients
* Gain new insight and develop different perspectives on tools and practices they may have already been using
* Increase personal efficiency in problem areas
* Participate in valuable Web design training they can take back and share with fellow employees
New Web designers will benefit most from the networking opportunities, but designers at all levels should take advantage of the opportunity to interact with fellow industry professionals. You never know who you’ll meet or what connections you’ll establish that will become beneficial to you or your business.
You can also take steps to reduce the tremendous cost of these events. For starters, look for local Web design conferences to eliminate travel and hotel costs. In addition, many conferences offer early sign-up specials or group discount rates, so always look for the best price possible.
Take advantage of the next Web design conference in your area to get a firsthand perspective on the possible benefits to you and your business.
Information in this article was provided by IADT – Chicago. Contact IADT – Chicago today if you’re interested in developing marketable knowledge and career-relevant skills with an industry-current degree program. (IADT – Chicago does not guarantee employment or salary.)