Technologies such as broadband and satellite Internet have made Internet access easier and faster than ever before. Social networking sites like Facebook have become as widespread as texting. Unfortunately, using Facebook for your private communications increases the likelihood of a social faux-pas.
Social networking is meant to be fun and creative, but some basic rules should apply to all online communication. Avoid personal and professional embarrassment by following these Facebook tips:
Don’t ‘like’ too much
Nothing is more obnoxious than an overzealous Facebooker. Your constant comments and suggestions may be read as an indication that you don’t have much offline interaction with others. Keep your comments to a minimum and only communicate with people you actually know to avoid looking nosy.
Don’t constantly update your status
If you’re looking for the correct venue to let the world know what you ate for breakfast, Facebook is not the right place. Status updates are best used for utilitarian purposes, such as looking for a new dog or wishing a friend a happy birthday. Don’t waste your time as well as clog up everyone’s newsfeed by continuously broadcasting the minutiae of your life.
Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your boss to see
Even with increased privacy settings and profile locks, it’s impossible to keep everything you post completely private. Refrain from using foul language or inappropriate pictures as these could come back to haunt you. Employers have been known to search for interviewees on Facebook. And don’t forget: your parents are now allowed to join too.
Don’t tag other people in unflattering photos
Just like in other aspects of life, there’s a level of courtesy involved with online social networking. Always be respectful of other people’s opinions and posts, and take care to manage the reputations of others. If you wouldn’t want someone else tagging that photo or posting that quote, don’t do it to one of your friends. Facebook karma is alive and strong, and your poor taste will certainly work against you.
Don’t get too personal
The anonymity of the online world makes it tempting to share details you’d otherwise be inclined to keep private. But Facebook is not an appropriate venue to vent about a break up or discuss your bathroom habits. Avoid sharing religious, sexual or medical secrets on a public forum. Some things are simply best kept private.
Managing your online persona can be a full-time job. Facebook allows users so many options for personalization and communication that it’s hard not to get caught up. The next time you grab your smartphone or log on to your high-speed satellite Internet to make a Facebook update, take a moment to think before you post. You could save yourself a lot of hassle and embarrassment.
Courtesy of ARAcontent