How to shop smart for your health and your wallet

(ARA) – With a dizzying array of choices in the supermarket, finding the best foods for your family can be a challenge, particularly in the dairy aisle. Every shopping trip is an opportunity to re-evaluate your family’s grocery store habits and make changes for a happy wallet and a healthy body.

Registered dietitian and founder of Meal Makeover Moms Janice Newell Bissex helps busy families eat healthier. She understands that a healthy diet starts by making good choices in the supermarket. Here are a few of Janice’s grocery store tips:

1. Portion control – Buy in bulk as you shop, and then portion out appropriate servings into zip-top bags or plastic containers. You’ll save both money and calories by controlling portion sizes on your own.

2. You’ve got yogurt – The yogurt selection in the dairy aisle can be overwhelming. Look for a low-fat or fat-free yogurt with certain probiotics, the “friendly” bacteria that help naturally regulate your digestive system and help support your immune system. Seek out products with specific benefits such as Dannon’s Activia, which can help regulate the digestive system when eaten regularly for two weeks as part of a well-balanced diet.

3. Cereal smarts – Like the yogurt section, the cereal aisle keeps expanding, boasting an array of colorful choices. Look for cereals made with whole grains and a short list of ingredients. Oatmeal is an excellent choice and is often a less expensive option than pre-sweetened cereals. Add fresh or frozen berries for some extra flavor and nutrition. Don’t forget to check out the shelves below eye level, where you can often find bagged versions of your favorite breakfast cereal for a fraction of the brand name cost.

4. Shop in season – When possible, chose produce when it is in season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables will be fresher than those that have been transported from faraway places. Plus, they may be less expensive. If you’re still craving strawberries in December or corn in February, opt for the frozen variety.

5. Shop the perimeter – Many of the healthiest – and most wallet-friendly – foods are found around the perimeter of the supermarket. Fruits, vegetables, eggs, fresh meat and dairy are all staples of a healthy diet and are generally found in the exterior aisles.

6. Convenience counts – There are many affordable convenience foods that can help fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet. Canned beans, canned fish, whole wheat pasta, low-fat cheeses, frozen and canned fruits and veggies, and pasta sauces are pantry staples that bring balance and good nutrition to the family table. Check the labels and compare brands.

7. Pick good fats – Go easy on fats, and make sure they are unsaturated fats. Foods like avocados, nuts, peanut butter, fatty fish, canola and extra virgin olive oils contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Avoid saturated fats.

8. Be prepared – Bring a list to the supermarket that you can stick with and avoid arriving hungry. You will be less tempted to buy foods you don’t need.

Mastering the grocery store can set the foundation for a healthy diet. To learn more about probiotics, visit

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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