Fight summer ‘brain drain’ with online summer schools for K-12th grades

(ARA) – Cash-strapped school districts across the country are cutting summer school programs in record numbers. In fact, more than a third of administrators polled in a recent American Association of School Administrators survey said they are considering eliminating summer school for the 2010-11 school year.

The elimination of traditional summer school programs has left many parents scrambling for quality summer education alternatives for their children. Summer school programs help stem the summer learning loss that students often suffer. Some students fall as much as two to three months behind, according to the National Summer Learning Association.

The good news for parents is that the recent boom in online K-12 education means many high-quality, engaging online summer school programs are now available to students. And since they’re online, students don’t have to choose between hitting the beach or hitting the books.

Online summer school programs from leading virtual school providers like National Connections Academy, are ideal for students seeking to make up credits, get ahead, or minimize summer learning loss. Online summer schools offer students unprecedented freedom to choose when and where lessons are completed. Students can take their courses at their convenience, anywhere there’s an Internet connection, 24/7.

“Online summer school is a great way for students to make up credits or to get a leg up with enrichment courses,” says Dr. Steven Guttentag, head of school for National Connections Academy. “Students can take their courses when and where they want, so they don’t have to choose between academics and other summer activities like getting a job, spending time with family and friends, and traveling.”

Wondering if online summer school is right for you or your student? Consider the following reasons why more and more students are choosing this innovative option:

* Ability to explore subjects unavailable at the local school

* Solve a scheduling problem if a particular course is not available during the summer from the local school

* Gain additional course credits to either accelerate or get back on track

* Strengthen skills in core subjects

* Beat summer learning loss

* Engage in an online learning environment for the first time

* Access 24/7 learning

National Connections Academy offers more than 29 affordable high school-level courses in subjects ranging from algebra and English to Spanish and digital photography. There are also nine levels (kindergarten through eighth grade) of an innovative course called Summer Smarts, designed to keep students’ minds engaged and active during the summer months and mitigate the impact of summer learning loss.

If you are interested in online summer school for your child, be sure to discuss credit transfer policies with your school before you sign your child up for a course.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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