Warm weather and longer days mean people are spending more time outdoors. Why not use the beauty of nature to your advantage and choose to entertain outside this season? Between the grill, the bugs and the heat, entertaining outdoors can prove a tricky proposition, so follow these easy steps to ensure that this summer your outdoor entertaining efforts go off without a hitch.
1.Ward off bugs using citronella candles and tiki torches. Available at most garden and home improvement stores, these small purchases will be an invaluable tool for keeping critters at bay. Nothing ruins a barbecue faster than swarms of mosquitoes or a bee sting.
2. Provide comfortable and abundant seating for your guests. This may mean purchasing a few extra benches or outdoor chairs at your local outdoor center, or even renting folding chairs for the event if you’ll have a large group. People need a place to sit down and rest, particularly while they’re eating full plates of food.
3. Consider planning your event during the big game to have a built-in theme. Decorate using your team’s colors and logo, and even serve typical tailgate foods to enhance the mood. Use your satellite TV connection to broadcast the game on your plasma TV or even a projection system, if you’re willing to splurge.
4. Create a welcoming indoor space as a respite for weather-weary guests. Set aside one room, typically the den or sunroom, that guests are welcome to enter and relax in. This allows for a more free-flowing atmosphere and also helps those with allergies or sensitivity to heat avoid the embarrassment that comes with having to excuse themselves.
5. Bone up your cooking skills using technology you already own. Satellite TV programming offers a variety of cooking programs and channels that often feature seasonal dishes and ideas. In addition, search the Web for exciting new recipes and techniques to try out at your casual outdoor party.
6. Plan for inclement weather. Have some tents ready and umbrellas on hand in case rain threatens to derail your plans. Ponchos are never a bad idea, and your guests will surely appreciate if you have a smooth transition plan in place for moving the whole thing inside.
7. Parking should be the last thing your guests worry about, so plan accordingly. If spaces are tight in your driveway or neighborhood, consider speaking with your neighbors beforehand about allowing your guests to use their curb space. If it’s a larger party with a lot of guests, valet services are available for rent at reasonable hourly rates.
Entertaining outdoors can be stressful and exciting – who doesn’t love breathing in fresh air while enjoying food hot off the grill? While these events may seem highly casual, you may find that you need to put in even more time planning for this type of event. Along with the novelty of the outdoors comes a wide array of potential complications, but crossing your “T”s and dotting your “I”s beforehand will save you a lot of hassle in the long run.
Courtesy of ARAcontent