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No, Ashton Kutcher was not in Vero Beach, not that I would know if he was or not. I was punked by a kite! Driving up A1A I see a kite being flown – or so I thought – by a child enjoying a summer day. Great feature right?

I pull over, grab my gear and start looking for the kid. After five minutes of looking like a psycho, someone comes up to me and asks, “What are you looking for?”

I told him who I was and that I was looking for the person flying the kite.

Nonchalantly, he tells me that his friend and kid lost the kite about an hour ago and it got stuck in the tree. I took the shot and left – in search of other photo opportunities in Vero Beach.

A few hours later, as I headed back to the office, I drove past the park – the kite was still catching air.

“My name is Keith Carson and I’ve been punked!”

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