Well, today is Sunday – the start of the week and the main day I can sit, catch my breath and figure out what I’m doing the rest of the week. Of course, barring any breaking news or last minute assignments.
Sunday for the Carsons is the day that we figure out what we’re going to have for dinner, make our grocery list and then hit the stores.
A typical Sunday means starting at a nearby farmer’s market, then driving to Palm Bay to get the bulk of our groceries at a discount grocery store. It’s not that we can’t afford to do our shopping in town, it’s just that it’s hard to justify spending nearly twice the price on similar items.
Once done there, we head home, off load our haul and then hop back in the car to an in-town grocer.
It’s a long day. But worth it. There’s nothing more fulfilling than opening the refrigerator door and seeing it stuffed full with fresh produce and items that have the potential of becoming something yummy!
Except maybe a clean kitchen – thanks to Keith.
While I’m hunkered down on the sofa flipping through food magazines and cookbooks Sunday morning with Food Network playing in the background, Keith is good enough to scour the kitchen of left over messes from earlier in the week.
Now, before you get the wrong impression – that we live under a pile of messy dishes near the point of toppling in the sink – we usually are able to keep up with the kitchen.
Though, as I’m sure some of you have experienced, some weeks there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to clean, much less breathe.
If you’ve read the welcome to my blog, you know that we have our game plan for this week
The kitchen is also clean and the fridge stocked. Here’s hoping the week doesn’t implode!
Until next time,Happy Eats