Are you driving distracted, and is your auto insurance suffering?

When you get into the driver’s seat of your vehicle, you may unconsciously take note of a few safety factors. Is your seat the correct distance from the steering wheel and pedals? Is your rear-view mirror adjusted correctly? Have you buckled your seat belt?

But once you turn the key in the ignition and back out of your driveway, how often do you think about driving safety, and the many distractions in your car that can put you in harm’s way?

According to, the official U.S. Government website for distracted driving, there are three types of distractions: visual, manual and cognitive. And in 2008, driver distraction caused 5,870 fatal crashes.

Car crashes – even if non-fatal – aren’t a good thing to have on your auto insurance record, so keeping your driving record clean can help you stay safe and save money. Here are a few common distractions you might want to add to your safety check list when you get into the driver’s seat of a car:

* Other conversations – When you’re driving with children, friends or other family members in the car, the conversation and interaction between riders can pull your attention away from the road in front of you. You don’t even need to look away from the road – if your brain is trying to process a discussion or the answer to a question, it’s not solely focused on other cars or traffic signals on the road. As the driver, you can direct your riders to not bring you into the conversation. If you have children in the back seat who are acting up, consider pulling the car over in a safe stopping area before talking to them.

* Technology – Cell phones, iPods, handheld computers, cameras – many different technology devices can take your mind and eyes off the road. Many states are restricting and even banning the use of these devices. When you are driving, consider turning off all your electronic devices so they can’t distract you.

* Running late – The dash to the office, to pick the kids up from practice after school or just to get groceries over the lunch hour – you know you’re going to try multitasking. Grabbing a quick bite to eat while driving, applying makeup using the rearview mirror, changing clothes while sitting at a stop light or even reading over some papers in preparation for your meeting – your eyes, mind and even hands aren’t engaged in being a safe driver. To avoid these issues, try planning your schedule with more time so you don’t have to do anything else but drive when you’re behind the wheel.

When you practice keeping your attention on the road, you are practicing safe driving measures, which can help protect you and your family from potential crashes. And you can also help protect your driving record. If you do have a safe driving record, consider getting new car insurance quotes from and see if you can’t save a bit of money because of your good record.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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