(ARA) – Forced to cancel last year’s family vacation due to the economy? Don’t let financial woes hinder your getaway this summer. Outdoor adventures in domestic destinations can offer a plethora of entertainment and eye-catching attractions. Take advantage of some of the country’s breathtaking natural beauty within driving distance and budget allocation. For example, camping out not only brings your family closer to nature, but saves you money on lodging costs.
If you’re considering an excursion to the great outdoors this summer, here’s some advice to get you started, as well as keep your family safe, healthy and happy during your vacation:
Research your options.
The home page of the National Park Service at www.nps.gov is a great place to start. Here you’ll find information on the numerous national parks and monuments scattered throughout the country with admittance for little to no cost. Click on “find a park” and you’ll be able to search the site’s database of locations by state, park name or even the type of activity you’re looking for.
Check your engines.
Once you’ve picked your destination, make sure your vehicle is in good working order for the road trip. Complete basic maintenance such as an oil change if you’re due, check tire tread and pressure, confirm that fluids are full and stock an extra gallon of windshield wiper fluid to keep your vision free of obstructing dirt and debris.
Take preventative measures.
Make sure everyone in the family who is taking a prescription medicine has an adequate supply to carry them through the trip. If your traveling companions have health issues, or if your outdoor vacation may involve some particularly adventurous activities, you may want to consider enrolling in a travel assistance membership ahead of time.
Companies like On Call International provide medical, security, concierge and other types of assistance when you travel. If someone in your family becomes injured or sick during your vacation, the travel assistance plan will transport them home or to a hospital of your choice, provide medical monitoring, help with hospital deposits or even send medicine or a doctor or nurse to help. A 24-hour nurse help line can also be a great resource for families who encounter minor health problems such as bug bites or rashes while camping or traveling in remote areas without fast access to medical care. If you plan on taking more than one vacation this summer, an annual membership may be more suitable for you.
Secure electronic assistance.
Once you’re confident with your medical assistance, start thinking about the technology that can aid your outdoor adventure in both safety and fun. Portable DVD, MP3 and video game players can keep kids occupied on the drive, while other items, such as a cell phone with good reception and wide coverage area or portable GPS, can ensure help will be accessible should you run into a problem in a remote area or get lost. Consider solar chargers to keep items full of power when electrical outlets may not be available.
With the appropriate planning and precaution, your family can enjoy a safe, healthy, budget-friendly and memorable vacation experience this summer in the great outdoors.
Courtesy of ARAcontent