(ARA) – In the last four years, 474 children in the United States were killed by back-over incidents, according to Kidsandcars.org, a child safety advocacy group. These deaths are easily preventable, and you can greatly reduce the risk of back-up accidents by installing a back-up sensor on your car or truck.
With SUVs, trucks and large cars growing in size, backing up can pose a serious problem for drivers. Even the most accomplished driver can’t see blind spots, which can lead to costly repairs or serious injury.
A back-up sensor is a small investment to protect your car and those around you. It is especially a good idea if you live in an area with many pets or children. Between 2001 and 2003 alone, more than 7,400 children ages 1 to 14 were treated for injuries after being hit by a car backing up. Many of these accidents could have been avoided through enhanced vehicle safety features, such as a back-up sensor.
Some new cars come standard with some kind of sensory device or camera to help drivers with rearward motion. A lot of cars do not come with factory installed sensors, but there are products on the market available for self installation. A small motion detector system is mounted above the rear license plate with a connection to the audio alarm placed inside your car. The system will beep and a green LED will light up when an object is within 5 feet of your vehicle. As you get closer to an object the beeping speed will increase and additional LED lights will light up.
In addition to being a must-have safety device, a back-up sensor also saves users a lot of money from repairs needed from avoidable accidents. While the average back-up sensor costs $100, repairs to a mirror can be as much as $500, and back bumper replacements and repairs can run as high as $2,000.
A PEAK Back-Up Sensor System assists with parking and general rearward motion. It is relatively inexpensive, easy to install and can bring much piece of mind. Back-up sensors aren’t just shiny new gadgets built for luxury. They can be cost effective and life saving. It’s a small investment to make your vehicle safer and provide great peace of mind.
In addition to, or as an alternative to sensors, drivers can also become more alert and take measures into their own hands with other tactics. Mirrors are often bumped in tight garages or even while a car is out on the street. Checking to be sure they’re properly aligned, even just once a week, can make a big difference in being able to see. Also, checking blind spots before getting into a vehicle, and again before making any sudden movements, is always good idea.
Regardless of how you do it, making sure your blind spots are addressed when driving a vehicle of any size can not only save you money and insurance headaches, it may just save a life.
Courtesy of ARAcontent