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Make sure your car is safe before hitting the road

If you’re planning to travel this summer, chances are pretty good you’ll be driving rather than flying. According to a recent survey by, the average price for a round-trip plane ticket will be 13.4 percent higher this summer than last. Meantime, AAA is predicting gas prices will fall during the summer months, making driving more attractive.

If you’re among the millions of Americans who will be hitting the road this summer, don’t wait until the day before your trip to start getting ready. Now is the time to come up with a list of things you’ll need to do. Murphy’s Law says that if you fail to take precautions, you’re asking for trouble.

Here’s a sampling of the things that should be on your checklist:

1. Bring your car into the mechanic for a checkup. In addition to making sure the car’s engine is running well, among other things, the mechanic will check the vehicle’s hoses and belts to make sure they are in good working order. He or she will also inspect the vehicle’s tires for signs of uneven wear to the treads, alignment issues, bulges and bald spots; inspect the hoses and clamps to make sure they are not on their last leg and in need of replacement; and check the vehicle’s fluids, which include the engine oil, brake, transmission, power steering and windshield wiper fluids, to make sure they are topped off.

2. Review your auto insurance policy to make sure it offers the coverage you will need in the event of an accident or breakdown. Many people, particularly those with newer vehicles, turn down rental car coverage to save money, thinking they’ll never need it. During your vacation is not the time to put that theory to the test.

If you’re looking into making changes to your auto policy anyway, it may also be a good time to get a few car insurance quotes online to make sure you’re not paying too much for your existing policy.

3. If you’ll be letting a young driver take the wheel during your trip, make sure they are familiar with safe driving practices. While letting a teenager drive during a long road trip is a great way for them to gain driving practice, you don’t want to send a young driver out on the road unprepared. If your son or daughter hasn’t already taken a driver’s education class, enroll them in one. You can also share the resources found on the Allstate website ( with them. These resources include an interactive parent/teenager driving contract and tips designed to help keep teenage drivers safe.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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