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Make your bedroom more relaxing

(ARA) – Even though doctors have been telling us for years that a good night’s sleep is critical to living a productive life, many of us do not get the rest we should. While our busy schedules might receive much of the blame for our lack of rest, some of the fault certainly falls on our bedrooms themselves … they’re simply not designed to be restful retreats.

If you find that you can’t relax in your own bedroom, you may be surprised to learn how cheaply and easily you can transform that space into a haven of rest.

Anyone who has pursued formal interior design training understands how a room’s color scheme, layout, organization and cleanliness significantly impact the way people feel while in it. If your bedroom isn’t giving out the right vibes, it’s no surprise that you don’t feel calm and subdued while in it. If you’re ready to start relaxing in your bedroom, follow these interior design tips:

* Consider the lighting

Open the windows to bring in natural light and fresh air as often as possible. Remember that soft lighting is more relaxing than harsh lighting. While installing your bedroom lights, consider a dimmer switch that allows you to soften the light when you want to relax and brighten it when you need to work.

* Use soothing colors

The colors you use in your bedroom contribute heavily to its mood. For example, blues and light pinks can be soothing, while yellows and reds are jarring. To encourage relaxation, choose cool, muted colors rather than deep or loud colors.

* Keep it clean

The most effective way to make your bedroom relaxing is also the cheapest – clean it. Even those of us who don’t consider ourselves neat freaks can become stressed out by clutter. Spend a weekend vacuuming, dusting and finding places for all your unwanted junk. Then work on staying organized, putting things away after you use them and maintaining a level of cleanliness. Once you feel better about the space you’re in, you’re going to start feeling better about yourself and will be able to start relaxing.

* Get rid of distractions

If the bedroom is going to be a restful retreat, it should be free from the distractions that permeate the rest of your life. Therefore, your computer has no place in your bedroom, and you need to consider whether or not your TV is taking away from true rest. You may also find that harmless objects like ticking clocks remind you that you’re still awake when you’re trying to fall asleep. If the distracting noise is outside your house, run a fan that can provide white noise.

* Spend extra on bedding

If you’re like most people, the piece of furniture you use the most is your bed. Doesn’t it make sense, then, to invest a few extra dollars in your sheets, blankets and pillows? You’ll soon discover that few things are more comforting than a soft, warm blanket and a pile of fluffy pillows.

* Introduce pleasant scents

You’ve taken care of the appearance, sound and feel of your room; now it’s time to satisfy your sense of smell. Filling your room with your favorite air fresheners or scented candles can go a long way toward making your bedroom more relaxing.

If you haven’t attended interior design school, you’ve probably never considered how significantly the factors above can impact your ability to relax. Start applying these six principles to your bedroom today, and you’ll be sleeping better tonight.

Information in this article was provided by the International Academy of Design & Technology – Seattle. Contact IADT – Seattle today if you’re interested in developing marketable knowledge and career-relevant skills with an industry-current degree program. (IADT – Seattle does not guarantee employment or salary.)

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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