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North Indian River County Relay for Life

SEBASTIAN – The North Indian River County Relay for Life will be working to “Score a Cure” on Friday April 16 into Saturday April 17 at the Sebastian River High School.  Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature activity, offering everyone in the community an opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer.  It is a One Day, One Night, One Community Event.  The Relay begins at 6 p.m. Friday night and ends Saturday afternoon at noon.

Relay for Life is about celebration, remembrance, and hope.  By participating, you honor cancer survivors, pay tribute to the lives we’ve lost to the disease, and raise money to help fight it all right here in your community.  You won’t want to miss one moment of this life- and community-affirming event. There will be entertainment, games, food and fun.

Relay for Life opens as cancer survivors take the first lap, setting the stage for the importance of each participant’s contribution.  A festive atmosphere always develops as participants make new friends and spend time with old ones.  Highlighting the evening is a Luminaria Ceremony of Hope held after dark to honor cancer survivors and to remember loved ones lost to cancer.  The luminaria candles line the track and spell HOPE in the stands.  They are left burning throughout the night to remind participants of the incredible importance of their contributions.

In conjunction with the Luminaria Ceremony, there is a canned food drive, using canned goods instead of sand to weigh the bags down.  The hope is to have over 400 luminarias so please bring a canned good with you to the event.  The canned food drive will benefit the Ecumenical Council Food Pantry in Roseland, Fellsmere Community Bible Church and Crossroads Christian Fellowship.

Please join in the effort to “Score a Cure” and Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back.

Information:  Visit or contact Kris Altman at 772-562-2272 ext. 113 or

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