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How to infuse your wedding with your personality

(ARA) – What’s the best compliment a guest can pay a bride and groom on their wedding? It’s not that the food was good, or that the DJ picked great songs – it’s that the whole event captured the spirit and personality of the couple.

But with all the moving parts that compose a wedding, it can be a challenge to infuse every aspect with character. Even though planning your wedding can be hectic, if you make sure that the wedding incorporates elements dear to you and your fiancé, it will be a more meaningful and memorable event for both you and your guests.

The first big step is to set the date. Even this can reflect a bit of your personalities. You could choose to get married on the anniversary of the day you met or on a date that has numerical meaning for you both. If you love skiing, why not choose a winter wedding, or a summer wedding that incorporates your love of the beach?

In real estate and weddings, it’s all about location, location, location. Choosing where you’ll get married can set the tone of the whole affair, so make careful consideration of the available options. If you’re a traditionalist, there’s always charm in a church wedding followed up by a country club reception. If you’re a low-key couple, there’s no rule against having a small gathering in a friend’s or family member’s beautiful garden. Your options are nearly endless – just make sure it’s a place that says some thing about you.

With those two pieces in place, it’s time to let everyone know the details about your wedding. Invitations are the first hint your guests will receive about what your wedding will be like. Is it fun and casual or elegant and formal? Remember that it’s your day and you get to set the tone. Ordering invitations is easier than ever these days, with a wide range of top-quality options available on the Internet from sites like Browsing the Web saves time and gives you the widest possible range of options – including customized invitations. While you’re ordering paper goods, include customized items like address labels which can make addressing that much easier, while maintaining the theme you’ve created.

After that, it’s time to decide who will wear what. Again, this is a great place to express your individual style, whether it’s relaxed or formal or somewhere in between. Your clothes will also be a great indicator of what your flowers should look like: bold flowers with broad petals, like tulips or ginger flowers, go well with sleek, modern dresses, while intricate blooms like Queen Anne’s lace and peonies complement heavily embroidered or embellished gowns.

When it comes to food, try offering two choices: your favorite and the groom’s, or offer two dessert options that go outside of the traditional cake. You can offer a mix of both of your favorite candies as a guest favor, or make donations to your best-loved charities in your guests’ names.

When the rice has been tossed, the presents unwrapped and the dress is at the dry cleaner, make sure your personality really shines through by writing heartfelt thank you cards. Other than sharing your life with your best friend, there’s nothing more important than letting your guests know how much it meant that they joined you on the most memorable day of your life.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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