Arrest reports for April 4: Randall Collingwood Beuttell, 38, 1055 Royal Palm Boulevard, Vero Beach; Arrest location: 1055 Royal Palm Boulevard, Vero Beach; Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department; Held on $3,000 bond; Charge: Felony criminal mischief.Keith Adam Clopein, 41, 738 Media Terrace, Sebastian; Arrest location: 800 Highway U.S. 1, Vero Beach; Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office; Held on $3,000 bond; Charge: Felony criminal violation of injunction for protection; misdemeanor stalking, misdemeanor trespass.Dennis David Knutson, 64, 395 10th Street, SW, Vero Beach; Arrest location: 395 10th Street, SW, Vero Beach; Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office; Held on $5,000 bond; Charge: Felony depriving officer of means of protection.Chad David Oexner, 34, 505 Kirkwood Trail, Titusville; Arrest location: I-95 at mile marker 157; Arresting agency: Florida Highway Patrol; Held on $2,500 bond; Charge: Felony driving with suspended license (habitual).Arrest reports are compiled through information provided online by the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.