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Sebastian Boys & Girls Club approved for $135k covered basketball court

SEBASTIAN – Children at the Sebastian Boys and Girls Club may soon have a covered basketball court to practice their hook shots and layups now that Sebastian City Council has blessed the request.

The Boys and Girls Club has plans to construct the covered multi-purpose court behind the clubhouse using $135,000 of its own money raised through donations, according to Chairman Jay McNamara, of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Indian River County. “I think it’s quite attractive,” McNamara said of the plans for the court and metal cover structure, noting three other buildings on the club’s site have metal roofs.

City Manager Al Minner brought a handful of recommendations to the city council Wednesday evening, including one that would have split the cost between the club and the city to have an embellished roof similar to that of Sebastian City Hall.

While council members briefly considered requiring the club to have a more detailed roof, they decided instead to allow the court’s construction provided it received approval from the Planning and Zoning Board and got the appropriate permits as any other project would require.

“We’re anxious to get started,” McNamara said.

The covered basketball court would also serve for volleyball, he said. Currently, the club has tennis courts.

Councilwoman Andrea Coy asked about the height of the covered court, saying she is no good estimating heights.

“Though I’m not a real good basketball player, I was a really great volleyball player,” Coy said. “And I know how high the ball can go up in the air when done well.”

She also voiced concern over the chain link fence the club proposed to go around the court, citing both safety and accessibility.

She said that kids could run into the fence if they get to running too fast and the fence could keep the community from using the court when the club is not open.

McNamara said he would review the fence request, adding that the court would be open to the public when the club is not open.

Vice Mayor Jim Hill threw his support behind the club and the requested $135,000 covered basketball court, reminding the council that the club raised those funds.

“If the city were to go forward with something like that, we would be lynched,” Hill said of building a $135,000 basketball court. “I do not think it makes any sense to have a tile roof and make it a $185,000 basketball court – which we would absolutely be run out of town if we were to spend money.”

Former City Councilwoman Dale Simchick spoke before the council, urging the members to step out of the way and let the club build its badly needed basketball court.

She reminded them that this project has been held up for two years, in part because of funds.

“Bless this and move forward,” she asked.

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