VERO BEACH — Scott Wallace presented the Exchange Club of Indian River’s Accepting the Challenge of Excellence (ACE) Award to David Jacome and Tiffany Lewis at its February 17 weekly luncheon meeting at Culinary Capers. Both students are seniors in the Performance-Based Diploma Program at Vero Beach High School. Wallace, who chairs the club’s ACE Awards committee, gave an engraved key chain and a check for fifty dollars to each student and added their names to the perpetual plaque that hangs in the PBDP office at the high school.
Shannon D. DuPlessis, coordinator of the PBD Program, introduced the students and told of their academic and personal accomplishments. She described Tiffany Lewis as an exemplary student who participates in school and community activities and serves as a role model for younger students. Business is her area of concentration; she plans to attend Indian River State College this fall. DuPlessis told of David Jacome’s amazing dedication and motivation in the Program. He has excelled in his studies and is graduating from VBHS early so he can continue his education at Palm Beach Community College this spring. Both students were selected for the ACE Award because of their hard work, significant achievements, and positive progress in the Performance-Based Program.
Exchange Club of Indian River meets for lunch at Culinary Capers each Wednesday at noon. Meetings feature programs on a wide range of business, government and civic, charity, personal, and professional topics. It provides the community with programs in youth activities, service, and Americanism.
Through participation in its national project, the Prevention of Child Abuse, the Exchange Club of Indian River’s Foundation supports a number of local youth-related charities. Its major fundraiser, the 34th Annual Exchange Club Blue Water Open “Dolphin Mania” Charity Fishing Tournament, will be held May 22.
Information: Call Ed Kay, Exchange Club president, at 772-532-4398 or visit www.exchangeclubofindianriver.org and www.bluewateropen.org.