The Treasure Coast Council of the Navy League installed Officers and Board Members at their January 14 Dinner meeting.
Serving for 2010 are:
President: Don Wickstrand,Exec. V.P., Retention & Publicity: George RollinsonV.P., Secretary: Judy Rollinson,V.P., Treasurer: Cindy DuncanV.P., Chaplain: Milt BurdsallV.P., Asst. Treas. & Judge Advocate: Joseph BrownV.P., USCG/NJROTC Liaison: John PullinHonorary V.P.: Mildred (Mim) VanNuise
Ken ArcieriJohn BeckertJean BeckertPhil CrumbC. Pat DoranCharles PelizzaClaire CrumbRoger SmithDonna Czarnecki
The Council usually meets on the second Thursday of each month. Opportunities are provided for veterans, non-veterans and their guests to socialize and listen to a speaker on a meaningful topic.