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Sebastian kids name dog park – Sebastian Bark Park

SEBASTIAN – For the last seven months, Sebastian dogs have been romping and making new friends at the newest addition to the parks system. Until now, though, residents haven’t known what to call it other than the Sebastian dog park.

After conferring with area students about what to name the park, the Sebastian Parks and Recreation ranked the suggestions and unanimously supported Sebastian Bark Park. The name beat out Central Bark and Paws Stadium.

City Manager Al Minner recommended supporting the committee’s proposal to the Sebastian City Council.

Chuckling over the students’ recommended names, the council also unanimously supported Sebastian Bark Park.

Minner said that, with the council’s approval, the city would move forward with posting the name of the park.

Dozens of Sebastian and area pooches use the park, located on Keen Terrace off South Wimbrow Drive, regularly. And though it might not be the most-used park in the city, according to park officials, it is one of the most popular among pet owners.

City and area residents have formed a club to support and promote the park and raise funds to make future improvements.

Such proposed improvements include restroom facilities for the dogs’ humans and more seating.

According to club members and park officials, park users have been doing well to maintain the cleanliness in the park, making sure they pick up after their dogs.

Some residents, however, have complained about muddiness after rain due to possible drainage issues.

Anyone interested in joining the club or learning more about how to support the Sebastian Bark Park can e-mail

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