SEBASTIAN — The Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce’s plans to renovate its building on Main Street are in a holding pattern, but that doesn’t mean Pelican Porch won’t happen.
“We all still love the concept,” said Executive Director Beth Mitchell.
Pelican Porch consists of building a wrap-around porch on the Chamber’s structure and would serve as a place for Sebastian residents and tourists to get more information about the city and enjoy the ambiance of the surrounding area. “The timeline isn’t pressing just yet,” Mitchell said, explaining that part of the Chamber’s lease with the city, the Chamber has until 2011 to get the project permitted and until 2013 to have it built.
Chamber members have been working up the plans since 2006, but with the slumping economy, the Chamber isn’t quite ready to launch a fund-raising campaign it would need to fund the $170,000 project.
That project would also include a new roof, Mitchell said, and would the first phase of a full renovation for the structure.
The overall renovation project is expected to cost between $400,000 and $600,000, according to estimates from Capp Custom Builders, in Sebastian.
Mitchell said that she hopes the economy turns around soon so that the Chamber can begin raising funds for the project later this year.
Already, the Chamber has received pledges from members and contributions to help fund the ongoing maintenance of the building, including landscaping and painting, Mitchell said.
Both then-National City Bank (now PNC Bank) and Sebastian River Medical Center have made financial pledges for Pelican Porch. National City promised $15,000 over a period of three years, while the Sebastian hospital pledged $25,000.
“We’re not actively pursuing donations at this point,” Mitchell said, though the Chamber won’t turn away contributions if any were to come in.
The Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce has also tried to raise funds for the project through grants, though none have been awarded as of yet.
“It’s starting to get slimmer and slimmer,” Mitchell said of available grant monies.
The Chamber applied in 2007 and again in 2008 for funds through a scenic highway grant program. The Chamber’s building is located along the Indian River Lagoon Scenic Highway.
Mitchell said the Chamber attracts a good amount of foot traffic as it is, and Pelican Porch would most likely draw more. The porch could serve as a place for visitors to the waterfront to sit and rest as well as be a place to mingle with others.