The toy collection for the Twelfth Gifford Youth Activity Center Christmas Exchange is now in progress, collecting toys for children ages 6 to 18. For many GYAC children this toy is the only Christmas gift they will receive. Think about the toy you really, really wanted for Christmas as a child. What about the toy that you played with daily, took everywhere you went, even slept with? Contribute to great childhood memories by donating a new toy or game to the Gifford Youth Activity Center.
You can help by bringing new toys or your tax deductible donation to the Gifford Youth Activity Center before December 5. The Center is located at 4875 43rd Avenue in Vero Beach; donations can be dropped-off on weekdays between 8 am and 6 pm. The items will be distributed to the children of low-income families at the Christmas Exchange in December.
Information: Call Freddie L. Woolfork, (772) 794-1005 x34.