Full Legal Name: Susan VivianoDate of Birth: 1/101956Place of Birth: Decatur, GALength of residence: In Indian River County 3 1/2 years, in Vero Beach 3-1/2 yearsYour occupation: ManagerEmployer: Signature Kitchens of Vero BeachHow many hours per week? 40Marital status: SingleChildren: Two
Experience you feel is most relevant to serving in public office and why
US Air Force, Sergeant, Honorable discharge 1979; 23 years of management.
2009 Indian River Leadership Alumni.
I bring up-to-date professionalism, leadership and management skills.
Please list Civic and Volunteer Leadership Experience including title and position and Organization including dates and locations.
NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association, VP Membership Central Florida Chapter, 2007-2009. President elect for 2010.
Main Street Vero Beach, Vendor Chair Marketplace Booths. 2006 to current.
Other community volunteer opportunities.
2009 Indian River Leadership Alumni.
Candidate Questions
1. What do you feel is the most important issue facing the City of Vero Beach?
Expanding the tax base, encouraging new business and expanding existing businesses. I am open to all suggestions.
2. The City Council will be asked to vote on implementing changes to the rate structure of the electric utility within the next few weeks. For many residents, this will mean that electric charges will be increased even more. Would you vote in favor of these rate increases?
Only if absolutely necessary. I don’t want the citizens to incur more increases in utilities.
3. The City of Vero Beach presently takes approximately $5.9 million dollars it generates from the electric utility and puts it in the City’s general fund. Would you vote to continue the practice of this transfer each year?
I will research this. It is an issue that needs to be looked at and how we will replace those dollars. I do agree there is room for improvement. I believe this is a lot of money.
4. City Administrators have stated that stepping away from the Florida Municipal Power Agency and joining the Orlando Utility Authority will drastically lower electric rates starting in January. Do you believe that the electric utility rates will significantly be reduced after Jan. 1, 2010?
Yes, the February bill should reflect the true impact of this contract.
5. What suggestions would you make to the City to curtail spending without hurting the present services the City residents currently enjoy?
Once elected, I will research the spending and evaluate the efficiency of current services.
6. What do feel the City should do with the property on the corner of 17th street and Indian River Blvd. where the former postal annex was located?
Once elected I will look at the best possible usage to benefit the citizens.
7. Do you or would you rely more on your own independent research or would you rely more heavily on the opinion of City staff before taking a vote on a particular issue?
I would delegate the research and assimilate, from as many possible sources, all information for my own research before making a final decision.
8. The City has brought up the idea of forming an independent Health Clinic for City employees. Would you vote for this initiative? (Please answer Yes or No).
No, I don’t believe it is necessary. The money could be used more efficiently elsewhere.
9. If you could change one thing about how the City is run, what would it be?
To bring leadership, professionalism and more effective management techniques to improve productivity in all areas.
10. What about your background, experience or character has best prepared you to handle the day-to-day responsibilities, pressures and intense scrutiny of serving in public office?
Using leadership techniques from the US Air Force I have managed several situations for many years. My organizational skills relieve much stress normally associated with this type of job. I am proactive with everything I do in life, which alleviates the day-to-day pressures. I am a team player and work well with others.