Full Legal Name: Charles R. “Charlie” WilsonDate of Birth: 3/23/51Place of Birth: Ft. Pierce, Fla.Length of residence: In Indian River County 10 years, In Vero Beach 3 yearsYour occupation: Advertising/Public RelationsEmployer: Media Arts GroupHow many hours per week? 40Location of work: Throughout Indian River CountyMarital status: SingleChildren: Three children, Julia Wilson, 19, Christopher Wilson, 22, Weston Wilson, 26Grandchildren: 1, Bianka Rose WilsonHighest level of education: BA Florida State University
Experience you feel is most relevant to serving in public office and why:
I have experience in all levels of government serving as an assistant to George Bush 41, intern to the Minority Leader of the Florida and Ohio House of Representatives and as a reporter covering the Indian River County School Board, County Commission and City Council. Also covered emergency situations during local hurricanes and can be an asset in the event of a natural emergency. I also served on Planning and Zoning in Ft. Pierce and the Board of directors of New Horizons Mental Health Center.
Please list Civic and Volunteer Leadership Experience including title and position and Organization including dates and locations.
Indian River Taxpayers AssociationVarious Republican Party Clubs and OrganizationsJuvenile Justice CouncilOak Villas Condo Association PresidentNew Horizons Hospital Board of DirectorsElks Club of Indian River CountyItalian American Club
Candidate Questions
1. What do you feel is the most important issue facing the City of Vero Beach?
Quality of life in Vero Beach is unique and irreplaceable. But the harmony of our community is being placed in jeopardy by indefensibly high electric rates. I have a plan which will result in lower rates and no excuses.
2. The City Council will be asked to vote on implementing changes to the rate structure of the electric utility within the next few weeks. For many residents, this will mean that electric charges will be increased even more. Would you vote in favor of these rate increases ?
I will vote no on the proposed rate increase. Period…end of story…heck no!
3. The City of Vero Beach presently takes approximately $5.9 million dollars it generates from the electric utility and puts it in the City’s general fund. Would you vote to continue the practice of this transfer each year?
We can eliminate the need to transfer such a large amount from the electric fund without raising property taxes. The transfer is a hidden tax. People need to know what they are paying and what they are getting in return. If the City of Vero Beach cannot be competitive in the utility business the City of Vero Beach should get out of the utility business.
4. City Administrators have stated that stepping away from the Florida Municipal Power Agency and joining the Orlando Utility Authority will drastically lower electric rates starting in January. Do you believe that the electric utility rates will significantly be reduced after Jan. 1, 2010?
At this point reductions, if any, will simply return us to the high rates we were paying before the latest round of increases. Estimates show that City residents will still be paying higher rates than their neighbors. As much as 30 percent higher than FPL customers. City residents will continue to be punished, businesses will be forced to reduce employees or move out of the city, property values will be impacted and tax revenues will continue to fall. We cannot continue to do things the way they have been done if we are truly to serve the best interest of Vero Beach residents.
5. What suggestions would you make to the City to curtail spending without hurting the present services the City residents currently enjoy?
Here are just a few:
1. Employee benefits especially the generous employee pension plan needs revision.
2. Consolidation of departments.
3. Real estate that could be returned to the tax rolls.
4. Cooperative efforts with the County that may bring about savings of scale.
5. Even small things such as unnecessary travel by Council members can amount to significant savings.
One thing to note. Every time there is a cut to be made City officials suggest cuts or charges to the Royal Palm Fountain. Leave the fountain alone.
6. What do you feel the City should do with the property on the corner of 17th street and Indian River Boulevard where the former postal annex was located?
The City has several options including the option to make the land useful as part of our wonderful parks system. Other alternatives are that it could be sold, leased or used for another civic purpose. The final decision should be part of an overall review of the City’s financial position and a clear vision for the future.
7. Do you or would you rely more on your own independent research or would you rely more heavily on the opinion of City staff before taking a vote on a particular issue?
I am sorry to say that I have many questions about the information being provided by City staff to City Council members. Part of critical thinking is to assess information and the source of that information. There is much room for improvement in terms of information and transparency. I will rely on staff information as well as a number of other sources when making a decision.
8. The City has brought up the idea of forming an independent Health Clinic for City employees. Would you vote for this initiative? (Please answer Yes or No).
No. Savings, if any, are purely speculative and possible long-term liabilities are almost assured. Furthermore, the idea of a free clinic just for government workers at a time when most citizens are struggling to make ends meet is a very poor suggestion.
9. If you could change one thing about how the City is run, what would it be?
Accountability. Citizens are paying the price for a long series of multimillion dollar mistakes, errors, and poorly executed contracts. The one change? City employees and elected officials should be held accountable for their actions both good and bad. It works in business and we need it in City government.
10. What about your background, experience or character has best prepared you to handle the day-to-day responsibilities, pressures and intense scrutiny of serving in public office?
It is not good enough just to want things to happen. Sometimes you have to make things happen. This requires skill, dedication, a commitment of time, an ability to decide issues for yourself and most important the ability to not be intimidated by others who have a special interest.
Critical thinking and problem solving are important but so in a sense of fairness. The best summary is my favorite film, Mr. Smith goes to Washington. I may not always succeed in being Mr. Smith but it is always my goal.