County Crime Blotter: July 19

July 19 arrest reports: Lennox Agustus Baker, 22, 2316 23rd St., Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., Vero Beach; Arresting Agency: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office; Status: Held for Immigrations and Customs Enforcment; Charge: Felony aggravated stalking. Daniel Emmett Cain, 37, 826 Dolores St., Sebastian; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., Vero Beach; Arresting Agency: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office; Status: Held on $6,000 bond; Charges: Felony grand theft auto, misdemeanor DUI, misdemeanor driving with a suspended license with knowledge.Elizabeth Nelson Cobb, 32, 1246 15th Ave. SW, Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 4246 15th Ave. SW, Vero Beach; Arresting Agency: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office; Held without bond; Charges: Felongy assault/domestic violence and domestic violence battery.Gary Michael  Lorino, 43, of 811 Tarpon Ave., Sebastian; Arrest Location: 811 Tarpon Ave., Sebastian; Arresting Agency: Sebastian Police Department; Status: Held without bond; Charges: Felony sex offender fail to report changes to law enforcement, two counts misdemeanor battery.Arrest reports are compiled through information provided by the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office,

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