Author Archives

Rev. Drs. Casey and Bob Baggott

On Faith

If you listen closely, God’s word comes through loud and clear

Remember the old television game show called “Password”? It ran for almost two decades in one form or ...

On Faith

Finding meaning and strength in ‘living’ parables

How do we best learn to answer life’s deep and significant questions? Myths, legends, fables, folk tales, fairy ...

On Faith

Choices, choices: Make wise ones by listening for God’s voice

We recently heard a story about a faculty meeting that occurred at a university some years ago. The ...

On Faith

To get by in life, learn to lean on the strength of faith

As beautiful as life is, it isn’t necessarily easy. A friend of ours recently returned from a fabulous ...

My Vero

Try to experience the joy of love’s extravagance

How extravagant are you? When we think of extravagance, most of us think of lobster, diamonds and Ferraris. ...

On Faith

Remember that initial assessments may be mistaken

How do we assess the events in our lives? Can we truly discern whether the things that happen ...

On Faith

Trust in God lets us live ‘as if’ nothing can derail us

A few years back a friend shared with us a few tips from a book about handling harrowing ...

On Faith

Fear not! Be a ‘sparrow-saver’ and attend to others’ needs

There is a good bit of fear-inducing uncertainty in our lives these days, isn’t there? The stock market ...

On Faith

‘Grace of God is more powerful than our mistakes’

What makes life good, or meaningful or worthwhile? We frequently hear people try to answer that question when ...

On Faith

Take comfort in the wisdom of Vero Beach’s elders

Here in Vero Beach we live within a human community whose characteristics are unusual. For one thing, our ...

On Faith

Each of us can be the bearer of a little good news

The world often seems a sadly violent and harsh place. Week after week reports of atrocities or injustices ...

On Faith

Seeing yourself through God’s eyes can work wonders

Psychologists tell us that “mirroring” is the copying of one person’s behavior by another. The behaviors copied could ...