BUZZ: Surviving the wild – both animals and subways

YouTube users, you never cease to make me laugh or disgust the hell out of me with your videos.

And twitter users, I thank you for the parenting advice, both the examples of what to do and what to never do.

Friends of facebook, you all are just all over the spectrum of content, never a dull moment (unless someone goes on a Farmville tear).

Happy clicking,



Top YouTube Videos:

Lioness tries to eat baby at the zoo –

Top Crazy post:

Man Licking Shoes on New York Subway –


Greg: “Hey, Mom. I’m pretty sure I don’t feel well today. I don’t think I should go to school.”

Me: It’s skate night tonight, tho.

Greg: “Oh, I’ll feel better by then.”


Played in a 6-4/under hoops league. Guy blocked my shot and started woofing. I said: “You must stink, too, because you’re playing against me.”

Me: “I hate you SHIN SPLINTS”.. Mason: “Mommy, Don’t say HATE!” Such a smart boy! But I do hate them!

Like I said before. I know why gators eat their young.

… wondering why it gets harder to paint your toenails as you get older? Do your feet get farther away?

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