Fundraising expert Penelope Burk to speak at workshop

VERO BEACH — The Association of Fundraising Professionals, Indian River Chapter (AFP-IR) will host nationally renowned fundraising author, trainer and consultant, Penelope Burk on Wednesday, April 28 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at the Richardson Center on the Mueller Campus of Indian River State College.

Ms. Burk will offer a workshop for non-profit fund development professionals, CEOs and board members titled, “Donor Stewardship & Donor -Centered Fundraising.”  The cost to attend is $40 for AFP members and $50 for non-members.  Space is limited and reservations are required.  Reservations may be made by visiting the AFP-IR website:

“Donor Stewardship & Donor-Centered Fundraising” is a breakthrough strategy that enhances donor loyalty and inspires more generous gifts.  The strategy is based on seven years of research and testing with hundreds of charities and donors.   Attendees at this session will learn what donors currently expect in terms of communications and how they can become masters of their own fundraising messages to inspire future contributions.

Donor-Centered Fundraising is the only statistically-supported fundraising philosophy that brings donors and charities together to achieve measurable, long-term results.  This pragmatic, interactive and forward-thinking presentation is designed to help decision-making staff and volunteers to capitalize on these new market trends.  In a succinct and compelling manner it answers the age-old question, “What do donors want?”, then articulates a practical strategy that satisfies donors’ needs.

Penelope Burk is President of Cygnus Applied Research, Inc., and has over 30 years experience in not for profit management, fundraising, marketing and research.  A native of Montreal, Canada, her in -depth and varied career established her as a senior professional advocating innovative approaches for fundraising and marketing.

Penelope’s leading edge research in donor communication resulted in the publication of “Donor Centered Fundraising” in 2003.  The book is the only statistically based research ever published on the effective and meaningful communication on donor retention and gift value.

This one-of-a-kind event is being organized by AFP-IR members: Kerry A. Bartlett, CFRE, MBA – Chairman, Janet Barkett, Cecelia DeFilippis, Steve Higgins, Jennifer Jones, Katie Kowanic, Robyn Orzel, Lenora Ritchie, Jessica Schmitt, and Sarah Starr.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents more than 30,000 members in 206 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education and certification programs.  The association fosters development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.

To learn more about membership in AFP, please contact Peggy Gibbs at

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